Vanderbilt University Model United Nations

Welcome to the Music City!

We are looking forward to welcoming you to VUMUN XXI here in Nashville, Tennessee this October 23 - 26, 2025!

Letter from the Generals

Esteemed Delegates,

It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 21st iteration of Vanderbilt University Model United Nations (VUMUN XXI)! We are thrilled to host this year’s conference and to bring together bright, passionate students for an exciting weekend of diplomacy, critical thinking, and collaboration.

While our topics have evolved over the years to reflect global challenges, our dedication to meaningful dialogue, problem-solving, and has never faltered, problem-solving, and a commitment to learning. VUMUN provides an invaluable opportunity to engage with pressing international issues, develop public speaking and negotiation skills, and work together to craft innovative solutions.

Throughout the weekend, you will have the chance to meet fellow delegates, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and deliver compelling speeches. Our dedicated staff has worked tirelessly to create an engaging and enriching experience, and we cannot wait to see the ideas and resolutions you will develop.

Registration for VUMUN XXI will open on March 1st, with additional details on registration policies and conference logistics available on our website. To ensure a smooth and rewarding experience, we encourage you to review the delegate handbook, conference expectations, and training resources in advance. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Whether this is your first VUMUN or you’re a seasoned pro, we are honored to have you join us and look forward to an unforgettable weekend of diplomacy and discovery.

Best regards,

Naomi Kim & Mitchell Gottlieb

Secretary-General & Director-General, VUMUN XXI

Important Dates

Registration Opens: March 1st, 2025

Early Registration Closes: June 1st, 2025

Regular Registration Closes: August 20th, 2025

Late Registration Closes: September 15th, 2025

Conference Dates: October 23rd-26th, 2025

Further Questions?

If you’re interested in attending but still have unanswered questions, we encourage you to fill out the Interest Form attached below. Otherwise, other questions can be directed via email to Registration information is available on our Registration page.